LSPD Department Application
In-character Information
First Name:
Last Name:
Contact Number:
Email Address:
Years Lived in San Andreas:
(( In-game Level ))
Health Insurance:
Criminal History?:
Served Time in Prison?:
Effective English Communication?:
Driver's License?:
Gang Affiliations?:
Any Law Enforcement Knowledge?:
Can you navigate Los Santos effectively?:
Why do you want to join the Los Santos Police Department?:
(Minimum 40 words.)
Describe your personality:
(Minimum 20 words.)
Life Biography:
(Minimum 100 words.)
Out-of-character Information
(Country living in, and timezone.)
Past Characters:
(Past names of this Character.)
Warnings and Bans:
(Any warnings or bans, please list why.)
Daily activity:
(Hours played each day, can specify days.)
Working Microphone?:
(Working microphone where voices are clearly heard.)
(Are you prepared to speak in, and use Teamspeak?)
Roleplay experience?:
(Any previous Law Enforcement Roleplay experience?)
Minimum requirements: Yes
(Have you read the minimum requirements?)
LSPD Handbook:
(Have you read the LSPD Handbook?)
Character Statistics: